Godot Plugins

A collection of high-quality free plugins for the game engine Godot 4, from Jammin Games

Ghost Collision Shapes Demo

Ghost Collision Shapes Icon Jammin Ghost Collisions

Visualize collision shapes in the editor with ghostly meshes that automatically match your collision shapes. Makes it easy to see and adjust your collisions right in the editor!

  • Tiny!
  • Sphere, box, capsule shapes
  • Editor-only -- won't affect your game
  • Toggle ghost visibility in the editor
Jammin FPS Counter

FPS Counter Icon Jammin FPS

A lightweight, elegant FPS counter that doesn't impact performance. Unlike other FPS counters, this one is optimized to have minimal overhead while providing accurate readings.

  • Minimal performance impact
  • Customizable display
  • Smooth updates
  • Easy to integrate
Jammin Lobby System

Lobby System Icon Jammin Lobby

A sophisticated multiplayer networking system for Godot 4.x. Provides a complete solution for managing multiplayer game sessions with focus on ease of use and reliability.

  • ENet-based networking
  • Automatic LAN discovery
  • Built-in chat system
  • State synchronization
  • Authority management